Offset All or Part of your Plastic Footprint!

Acquiring plastic credits is not a right to pollute, but a way to show that you take responsibility and want to be part of the solution, in a country that leaves 60% of the waste unmanaged.

For now, and until everyone takes responsibility, Plastic Credits maybe be one of the best way to support those who take care of the plastic waste.

If there is still a chance to get value for Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP), this is more unlikely for Marine Plastics** collected by OceanKita's devoted teams.

* unmanaged plastic waste less than 50 km from the coastline

** plastics that have reached waters, are still there or have washed up on a beach.

The main reason OceanKita needs these Plastic Credits is:

1. to be able to incentivise our devoted collectors and sorters

2. make sure that the largest possible portion of the plastics collected have at least a second life, if not more.


- Do you know your plastic footprint is likely to be more than 100 kg/year,

50% of which is single use food packaging?

Companies and any organisations:

- We can help you assess your plastic footprint

- But then, we would love to help you in mitigating it

- We offer to offset for 500 kg or more

- Encourage your employees and clients to support us

To incentivise our teams, invest in cost effective equipment, educate, raise awareness, improve SVM and more, the support needed is IDR 8000 / kg

For What?

- We offer to offset for 10 kg or more with one time payments every time you feel it is right, or with monthly instalments

For Who?

What do you get in return?

Individuals: an electronic Plastic Credit Certificate

... and our deepest gratitude

Companies: posts or a dedicated campaign of our social media

contact us for more details

Under preparation:

Shop to reduce your plastic footprint & get plastic credits

Book a Cleanup and/or a Plastic Collage (Fresk)

With your employees, your colleagues or... your friends!

Contact Us


  • want to support by purchasing plastic credits

  • are interested by one of OceanKita's services

  • are looking for a partner

  • have a project and you want to submit it to OceanKita

  • want to volunteer for OceanKita

  • have a specific question or request

  • or simply want to get in touch :-)