Cleaning waters for and with communities

OceanKita provides comprehensive, innovative, cost effective solutions to mitigate marine debris and pollutions.

From collection of Marine debris to plastic processing and other services, we work with and for coastal communities to ensure a sustainable future for us all.

Nicolas Bernier

“Since 2015, I combine two passions: Indonesia and environment. With OceanKita, I can conduct concrete and visible actions, which is very gratifying.”

Jeanette Haulussy

“Not long after my studies in Marine Science, I joined OceanKita where I developed a passion about our fight against Marine Debris”

Chief Operations Officer

Founder and director




Field coordinator

Field surveyor



Social media

Team Seribu Biru

Key Partners

They trust us

They work with us

Our SDGs in more details

"I highly recommend working with OceanKita. They have a very professional, efficient and holistic approach to tackle the issue of plastic waste"

- Alexandra Michat -

Director of Purpose, EXO Travel

What they say about us

"Conducting a study with OceanKita was really insightful and a rich experience. Their 1T trawl-net also appears to be the ideal tool for sampling"

- Riyana Subandi -

Head of team for plastic waste, Research Center for Oceanography, BRIN

"Using a 2T trawl-net in waters with a lot of garbage is really useful. It can collect a lot in a short time. Operation is made easy and does not hinder manoeuvring with one boat"

- Mas Purwanto -

Fisherman | Waste Bank Fishery Alam, Benodo village, Demak

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