Our services
Marine Debris and Plastic Pollution
These are our two areas of interest, which are also linked. But they can be broken down into a number of services that we have classified into 6 categories in order to provide a holistic response to these issues and to be able to claim the circularity that we mention in our logo.

We COLLECT Marine Plastics
60% of the waste is uncollected in Indonesia. Most of this unmanaged waste is (illegally) dumped, ends up burnt or in nearby waters, approximately 10%.
Marine plastic collections are part of the solution with upstream measures and are essential to mitigate accumulation of plastics in rivers and the ocean.
Very little of this marine litter is being taken care of. Many pretend they collect or recycle Ocean Plastics, but in fact, they only focus on Ocean Bound Plastics (OBP), which are, unmanaged land plastics found from zero up to 50 km of tge Ocean.
Usually marine plastic are collected manually or half manually, which is not very efficient and leaves a lot behind.
At OceanKita, we also organise beach and river banks cleanups for organisations/companies wishing to raise awareness among their members/employees, but above all, we introduce dedicated equipment, adapted to all situations, which reduce the overall cost of collection/kg, increases efficiency and leaves much less plastic debris behind.

We PROCESS Plastic Waste
To close the loop of circularity!
We have soon understood that our interlocutors were not fully satisfied if we were not able to provide an immediate solution that gives at least a second life to the marine plastics we collect.
We have worked hard on this topic and have found Parongpong RAW Lab and affiliates as the best possible partners to produce all kinds of new products from our plastics, including the no-value ones.
It is very important for us to have a holistic approach of the marine plastic pollution. Being able to offer local and valuable solutions is a great satisfaction. Many say they aim for Zero Waste to Landfill but very few offer a panel of solutions like us.
Indeed, we do not only take care of PET, PP and HDPE, which represent only 15% of the plastic waste but also LDPE (plastic bags...), multilayers (sachets...), ghost nets, diapers, masks, cigarette butts.

Education is key - if course. The younger generations are obviously a key public with whom we are very active. We have dedicated program for classes in Sekolah Dasar (SD) and Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) developed in partnership with Divers Clean Action (DCA).
Another tool is an educative card game called SUNGAI, developped by Cartaping under the impetus of OceanKita. This game can be played by everyone above 8 years old at school, at home or simply between friends.
But action cannot wait for the new generation to act. This why we also take part in workshops with households, awareness-raising sessions in companies and webinars/seminars.
A great tool is the Plastic Collage. The workshop takes up the educational style of the famous "Fresque du Climat" (Plastic Collage) that has reached more than 30 millions peole and invites participants to take a look at the entire life cycle of plastics.
Last but not least, as we need to accelerate on Plastic pollution, we are happy to train decision makers, those who can drag tens, even thousands of people in their wake.

We SUPPORT Companies
In addressing their plastic footprint and other environmental and energy issues, with our parent company, the social enterprise Sustenea.
To build or guide their strategy, companies should confront their business model with the major challenges facing humanity, notably climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution and access to resources.
These challenges should not be seen as obstacles, but rather as opportunities. What's more, we're convinced that the companies that take the best account of them will be the ones that come out on top.
OceanKita can help you reduce and better manage waste. Naturally, we have particular expertise in plastics and marine waste.
We also offer practical solutions. We can come to your company to run awareness-raising sessions for your staff, or offer to go out into the field with you to clean up beaches or riverbanks and organise events.

The equipment we use for our own operations is also offered for sale, for the organisations who also have marine plastic cleanups on regular basis.
Too many still thing cleanups should be conducted manually because it comes with more social benefits, i.e. salaries or incentives given to the waste pickers. This is totally false because leaving marine plastics behind bring more social harm than incentives given bring give benefit to a small few.
We have selected only the equipment which have proven efficiency and are relevant for Indonesia or other tropical developing countries.

We conduct RESEARCH
From 2021, OceanKita has been recognised for its ability to conduct studies. We have been selected as part of the IFI's S&I programme to conduct a study to quantify and qualify the waste carried by the Cimandiri River near its estuary. This study was the subject of a scientific publication released in 2023.
We used our small trawl net for the sampling, which was perfectly suited to the task. It has since been adopted for other surveys, notably by the non-profit organisation Wicked Horizon, in the waters of West Papua.
Today, with public and private partners, we are working to monitor river pollution with the help of artificial intelligence tools and to track and anticipate marine plastic pollution, in order to be more efficient in our collections.
Contact Us
are interested by one of OceanKita's services
are looking for a partner
are interested in purchasing plastic credits
have a project and you want to submit it to OceanKita
want to volunteer for OceanKita
have a specific question or request
or simply want to get in touch :-)